How to create an FTP account in cPanel

An FTP account is used to upload and manage files on your web site. You can give different people different levels of access by assigning them to a specific directory. You must create an FTP account for each user to do so.

 To create an FTP account, please do the following:

 Login to cPanel and go to the Files section.

Click FTP Accounts.

To the right of "Login:", type the name of the FTP user. Please note, a full FTP user name will always be formatted as [email protected]. You cannot create an FTP account without your domain name in it, regardless of the publish destination.

To the right of "Password:", please provide a password which will be used to authenticate this FTP account.

To the right of "Quota", please provide the maximum amount of bandwidth this FTP user may use. Please note, if you leave the quota at unlimited, then the FTP user will have the ability to use the total amount of bandwidth for the cPanel account.

To the right of "Directory: /", cPanel will guess the directory you want; however, it is usually wrong. This is because cPanel will guess the directory name is exactly the same as the FTP username, but that normally is not the case. So, I recommend erasing everything after "public_html/".

To the right of "Directory: /public_html/", please provide a directory for which you would like the user to access.

This is the step where you determine the level of access. Whatever directory you specify, the FTP user will not be able to navigate outside of that folder. However, they will be able to access all files and subfolders inside that folder.

Click Create

You have now just set up an FTP account.

Hint: For the Directory, if you erase everything and type a single "/", then the user will have access to your home directory (anything outside of the public_html folder).

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